Okay, so I'm trying to destress here so I decided to do alittle blogging. Since like my blog is SO dead. HAHA. Alittle update on my life, assignments are sucking the life outta me. This dude in my group (well he's the only guy so if you know my group, you know who I'm talking about) is really annoying the shit out of me. Sometimes I feel like killing him but yeah I can't. Anyways I just say it as a figure of speech to express my irritatedness and anger. But really, he's a pain in the ass. Like really. Whoever works with him, will want to kill him. Well, except for Rey (most of the time). She's nice to him and she usually chills me down when I'm pissed with him. But really working with him makes you do DOUBLE work.
Anyways, we got B for DPL group assignment. All thanks to Rey and me! Stayed up the entire night to redo all their work. She slept for 1hr and I slept for half an hour. Supposed to go for lecture and then tutorial then lecture the next day. But I was to tired for anything so I went home after submitting the assignment. Well that's ONE incident.
Currently now, there's two group assignment due and all due on monday. CHLT killed me coz I had to recolour atleast half of the book thanks to the dude again. HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO COLOUR! LIKE OMGGGG??? A 17year old doesn't even know how to colour properly. Really pity him. And my group too. We really like have to redo every single thing he does. But, well he DOES have a plus point. His really good at photoshop and flash. So yeah struggling thru these two assignments.
Exams are coming. I HAVEN'T STARTED STUDYING YET! Well I did, but only one lecture today. Went to study with Lawrence today after his 'school'. LOL. Barely studied for 3hrs at starbucks before I had to go home. While studying, that pig kept making me laugh. All his nonsense, I guess coz he was quite high. LOL. Took me sometime before I got into the studying mode. Didn't have my earphones with me coz they spoilt so I had to listen to the music played in STARBUCKS. WHA I TELL YOU! THE MUSIC PLAYED THERE CAN MAKE ONE FALL ASLEEP. They played jazz music which always makes me fall asleep. Was struggling super hard to keep awake and it was cold cold cold there which made studying a whole lot more difficult. Plus point is that I FINISHED STUDYING ONE CHAPTER and tml we'll be continuing to study after lunch at somewhere (haven't confirmed). Can't wait to start studying and be relieved of all assignments coz we'll complete everything BY tml/later so I can relax for awhile.. LOL.
See you later piggie! Please please don't be so high later okay. If not I'll KILL you. HAHAHA. OHOH and remember out deal. LOL. I don't care, you accepted it. Silence means consent. HEHEH. HAHA. LOL.
Love you all!
♥ Melissa