Melissa why do you always have to put up a strong front when you know really inside its tearing you apart? Why is your conscience always bugging you when you know its actually the other party's fault? Why are you so soft hearted? Why are you like this? WHY WHY WHY?? Its obvious he's using this against you but why are you falling for it. You know how bad he's been to you and you know he's obviously acting like a hypocrite infront of you. Why do you have to keep being so nice? ARGH I hate myself for this. I know I have to be strong for my friends because they are also going thru problems worse than mine. But sometimes I want to be weak and shrink from all responsibilities. I know its very bad of me to do that but can I just become a hermit and shrink into my little shell to hide? Just for awhile. Just 5mins? 5minutes is all I'm asking for.
Maybe its time for me to cut off all social networking things on the net. Maybe its because of all this thats affecting me. But I can't do it.
What to do ah what to do ah melissa
