So today after seeing the doctor, Eunice came to my house to slack and have lunch. Watched like 3 movies I think. Salt, Enchanted and The Expendables. Half way watching The Expendables, Eunice started rummaging through my baby pics. That was okay I guess. What made it bad was that my sis started to help her look for the most unglam pics of me when I was younger. Like how I wore my swimming costume the wrong way round and how I put lipstick all over my face. And YES! My hair. HAHA. My naturally stick up hair. 
Here are some better looking pics that I could get hold of. HAHA


HAHA. Okay I know I look weird and funny. But that's me! HEHE. 
Piggie! Cheer up okay? My hair is super worse than your's. You can laugh at all these pics all you want. HAHA. SMILES (:

So after those unglam pics, I went to meet the dancers at City Hall. Well supposedly dancer but few other's came. Had a farewell dinner for FangFang at Just Asia then headed towards the bridge to chill. Camwhore quite abit with the girls before taking the long bus ride home.
Mummy's still sick and so am I. But I'm still gonna go for internship tomorrow. Needa try to complete the hours asap so that I can complete those irritating tasks required.
