Oh Happy Day.
So today was a very good day for me. It rain the in morning which was good cause that made the haze go away. HEHE. So after church as usual, disturbed Leanne for awhile and then, I went for class. Chilled with the youth for awhile before going for lunch with them. Got a phone call from Joshua so yeah I went to find him. Took the bus with Eunice Seah. OMG she's really funny, she said she's so happy cause she found someone who had the same laughter as her, which is me. LOL. So talked about some subject combinations and stuffs like that. Met Joshua at the mrt then after that we went shopping with my sis. I really did shop today. HAHA. Which is like super rare with other people. But yeah I was really high so I just bought stuffs. Not much but still, I did buy. HAHA. Screamed a lot today and laughed even more. We were like laughing on the streets. LOL. And people were like staring at me. My sis and Joshua said I look like I had too much to drink and I was drunk. LOL. But yeah that's just me. HAHA. Didn't buy the alibaba pants, jiejie said I looked weird in it. So yeah. Got 2 tank tops and that was about it. Sorry, it felt like I did buy a lot. I'm crazy. HAHA. Met Eunice's parents at the mrt station and her dad wanted us to take a photo tgt so that we could shock her. LOL. So yupps, after that, I headed home! HAHA.
So I really liked today. Everything of today. Tho my feet hurt, I still enjoyed my day. I hope to share my happiness with all who is reading this blog. Cause I think I might die if I don't share it. Those who are like stuck at home getting nagged by your parents or somebody pissed you off or today just wasn't your day or you got bullied by someone *ahems*, I'm here to share my joy with you. HEHE.  I feel like screaming and laughing now. Weird I know. But it's fun! HEHE. So yeah I'm like really really really happy. Plus school starts tml, *even more happy*. HAHA. So yeah tho something happened just now, I don't know why but I still felt the joy in me. I mean by right, I'm supposed to be pissed, but I still feel joyful inside me and I still can tell people that I'm okay. I thought it was like weird and I'm going crazy but then I realised that actually I'm not going crazy. It was the joy of the Lord inside me, living in me and it feels really great! HAHA. So anyways this verse popped into my head when I thought I was weird and crazy. 
Nehemiah 8:10: "Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength." So I've been living by that verse for quite sometime and I seemed to have tucked it away in my little brain cause I nothing seemed to be changing. But yeah today I got my breakthrough, AND I'M A HAPPY GIRL. Well, not only happy but joyful too! HEHE.

And here's a verse that got me thinking today during class. 
Galatians 5:22-23: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. I need to be spiritually disciplined! HAHA.

Till then (:
